Archive for July, 2011









Just a quick post to raise a glass to a guy who is great , not only is his Birthday very close to my own  , but as the social media kingpin for VMware is in the eyes of many the driving force behind the VMware virtualisation community. My own “social media” exposure started in the late 90’s on IRC & I have been part of many online communities and the one surrounding VMware and virtualisation has got to be one of the strongest I have come across.

I was able to share a beer with John at the Tech Field Day Fenway park reception & he’s as modest as he is smart. Who else would be able to put up with us rowdy geeks every week as part of the round table podcast – at VMworld he’s constantly around , be it on camera or at the booth. I believe the scope of what he achieves exceeds the mandates of “just doing his job”. The vExperts and the VMware community would not be what it is without your input !


Some say he can grow his beard at will and that the VMware logo was based on his hidden birthmark. All we know is he’s called  John Troyer Smile



If you have been hiding under a rock for the last couple of weeks , you may not be aware that VMware held an online launch of its next generation Cloud platform , vSphere 5.0. It seems some of the announcements went down really well , and other parts , lets just say , not so well judging by the twitter reaction…

Have a listen to the show… here

I was very pleased to see a mail this morning from John Troyer – vExpert Program manager to say that I have been chosen this year as a vExpert. To quote the man himself !


We’re pleased to designate you as a vExpert 2011 as recognition of your contributions to the VMware, virtualization, and cloud computing communities. You’ve done work above and beyond, and we’re delighted to communicate more closely, to share resources, and to offer other opportunities for greater interaction throughout the year as we continue to grow knowledge and success in the community of IT professionals. Welcome to the vExpert 2011 Program!

The award was chosen by a wide group of VMware Staff – who had a lot of great applications to go over and I’m as pleased as punch to have been chosen !