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While the rest of us were stuffing our faces with Turkey , drinking just a little bit too much port and falling asleep in front of the TV over Christmas , David Davis from Trainsignal has been hard at work with a screen recorder to put together his latest in a very comprehensive series of vSphere videos.

Loosely following a similar outline to the VMware course on the same subject , David takes you over a bit of a recap on subject you might miss as part of your day to day work , or if you haven’t seen some of the previous videos , such as deploying & installing the vMA appliance & a Distributed switch refresher – I found the latter of these very handy as not being an Enterprise Plus customer I dont use VDS on a day to day basis.

There are a few lessons devoted to logging – finding , collecting , viewing and analyzing from a number of different sources. Log files are hardly the most fun thing in the world to look at but if you really want to know what’s going on , they are the best weapon in your arsenal.

The next major section is on networking – I though this was particularly well done as not personally coming from a packet pushing background , a few of the concepts are pretty new to me. If I’d had access to this video set (especially the PVLan Lesson! ) before I sat my VCAP-DCA exam beta , then there are certainly a couple of questions I’d have not torn my hair out in frustration at 🙂

Storage trouble shooting is next on the list, looking at general storage log analysis and diving deeper into NFS and iSCSI storage – again very handy refreshers if you don’t use those technology every day. If you are running a home lab as all budding VCAP candidates should be – there’s a great walkthrough on NFS configuration with openfiler & common issues you might get including some pretty misleading error messages !

The last part of the course is around a more general troubleshooting section – looking at Vmotion / Svmotion troubleshooting along with DRS and HA troubleshooting. Finally there is a troubleshooting kickstart which not only has some handy things to keep in mind for an exam but all those little tips and tricks that’ll make you look like a superherorockstarninja 😉 in front of your managers and workmates !


One last point of the Trainsignal Course delivery – not only do you get instant access online  , but the DVD set arrived 36 hours later from the US , complete with DVD’s & Mobile device friendly formats – which make it an invaluable companion on a long journey. I look forward to seeing the rest of the VCAP series , but think this would be a great resource for some post VCP upskill work.

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