


Regular tweetups amongst friends in the twitter community are not exactly new , but Simon Long and Simon Seagrave started to give the ones in the virtualisation community a name – vBeers ! This was initially only used for London events , but the trend has spread and come to the point where Simon^2 wanted to have a central point for all of the disparate events so have spawned !


I’ll leave it to the guys themselves to say what the event is about..

Fancy meeting up every month with other IT virtualization enthusiasts to socialise and chat over a cold beer, wine or soft-drink?  If so, then vBeers is for you!

This is a great opportunity to meet with other virtualization enthusiasts and professionals and enjoy discussing all things virtualization, and in fact anything else that comes up in conversation…

vBeers is open to everyone so whether you are a VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer user/fan or none of the above it really doesn’t matter as “it’s all about the virtualization”.

So log on and find your local event – its the best way of keeping up with old friends and making one or two in a “geek friendly” environment where you are allowed to talk virtualisation without your fellow boozers yawning!

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