Its Less than a month to go before VMworld Europe at the Bella Centre, Copenhagen. The buzz on twitter / the blogosphere is working its way up , possibly not to the level of the recent VMworld conference in San Francisco , but I’m sure the event will be just as good , with its many many breakout sessions and mammoth cloud based lab infrastructure.

This will be my 3rd year of attending the European conference and I have to say I’m really looking forward to it – mainly as it’ll be my first year where due to my interactions within the online and user group community, I’m actually going to know people going 🙂

Given the great number of bloggers that’ll be attending the show , I thought of an idea that would be a bit of fun & generate some traffic for each others sites, a shirt Exchange.


Here’s how I see it working – I’ve had a batch of tshirts printed up with the wonderful logo below. While I will be giving a couple away in the run up to VMWorld , I thought that like we often do a link exchange, we should do a low tech version and have a shirt exchange. If you as a blogger get some shirts printed to, I’m sure we can arrange a mini swapshop in the bloggers lounge!


So once again if you would like to sport one of these , then get some shirts printed up and come find me! If you’d like to do a swap but are not coming to VMWorld, mail me at and we’ll work something out. I’ll advertise yours if you advertise mine 🙂
