Its that time of year when Eric Siebert at puts together the top 25 blogs from his list over 100 blogs on the vLaunchpad and its a public vote – so here’s what you need to do.


– head over to

– select your top 10 blogs from the list , then on the following screen rank them in order of preference ( so for example putting JFVI at the top would mean you like it the best ! )

– hang your head in shame for using an ipad/iphone to vote , because it wont work due to the drag & drop 2nd stage.

– smile a virtuous smile for the rest of the day knowing you didn’t cheat – if you did then you should have more shame than the iDiots because they’ll find you and cast your vote into the void.

– random voters will be drawn to win a copy of Eric’s book , Maximum vSphere or the Trainsignal vSphere Pro Series vol. 2 videos ( see my review of these – its worth winning ! )

– Voting runs from the 14th to the 24th of September so you have plenty of time to vote.


I look forward to the results , while I may not have the traffic of some of the really big bloggers , Its nice to know that people care enough to add me to their RSS feed or possibly spend a few moments dragging me to the top of a box 😉


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